ICERI 2013. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Lecture: Teaching innovation projects on set and urban scenographic designs in the historical city and landscape of Granada. Sevilla. November 2013.
44th Manuel de Falla International courses: La vida breve. Architecture and scenography in urban spaces of Albaicín quarter. Granada 2013. Lecture: “Scenography and creativity. From dream to real”.
Seminar: “Building with words”. School of Architecture of Granada. January 2013. Lecture: “Space stories. About poetry and architecture”.
III International congress on heritage and applied graphics. Granada. November 2012. Lecture: “Heritage as a creative place for urban scenographies”.
Research projects
2017: Research professor. Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya. . Research project: “Observatory of scenic spaces: Theatre cartography” (OEE CARTOTEA).
2015: Research professor “Architecture, scenography and urban space: Historical cities and events”. Universidad de Granada.
2013. Coordinator of 44 International courses Manuel de Falla: La vida breve. Architecture and scenography in urban spaces of Albaicín quarter. International music and dance festival.
2012. Coordinator of the Research Project: “Teaching Scenography as an integrated architecture project”. University of Granada. 2011-2012.
2011. Coordinator of the Research Project: “Teaching Scenography design as an architecture project”. University of Granada.
2012. Member of the Research Group: “Architecture, Scenography and urban space: Historic cities and cultural events“.
2016. Book: Atlántida, un viaje a Falla Escenografía en espacios de Cádiz y la Alhambra. E. Cachorro, F del Corral, M. Palma, Eds. Ed. Godel, Granada. Article: “Viaje a Atlántida. Lugares para una escenografía soñada”.
2014: Book: El amor brujo. Scenography and architecture in spaces of the Alhambbra. E. Cachorro, F del Corral, M. Palma, Eds. Ed. Godel, Granada. Article: “Truth and illusion. The use of water in scenography”.
2013. La vida breve. Escenografía y arquietctura en espacios urbanos del Albaicín. E. Cachorro, F del Corral, M. Palma, Eds. Ed. Godel, Granada. Article: “A bit of water. Space, scenography and emotion”
2012. A.A.V.V. El retablo de maese Pedro. Escenografías urbanas en Úbeda (Urban scenographies in Úbeda). E. Cachorro + F. del Corral + M. Palma Eds. Editorial Godel S.L. Granada.
2011. AAVV. El Gran Teatro del Mundo (The great theatre of the world) 1927-2011. El aprendizaje del diseño escenográfico como proyecto de arquitectura (Teaching Scenography design as an architecture project) E. Cachorro + F. del Corral + M. Palma Eds. Ed. Godel S.L. Granada.
2016: Lecture: “WaterScales, Proyectar con agua”. Máster de Paisaje y Espacio Público de la UGR. Granada.
2016: Coordination postgraduate work: “Water Sustainability. Alhambra & Albaicín on three research dimensions (A&A)”. With the University of South Florida (USF), USA.
2016: Acuitecture workshop “Enmarismados”. Architecture week, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Huelva.
2016: Research stay: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research. Israel.
2016: Comunication: “Fluidity and transparency. A sustainable way of using and learning from water. 6th Sustainable Development Symposium (SDS 2016), Granada.
2016: Lecture: “Venice: water and project. A travel to liquidity”, Laboratorio de Territorios en Transformación, ETS de Arquitectura de Granada.
2016: Lecture: “Burle Marx. Water landscapes”, I Landscape meeting “Garden and ladscape. Contemporary creations”. Master de Paisaje y Espacio Público de la UGR. Granada.
2016: Coordination of I Landscape meeting “Garden and ladscape. Contemporary creations”. Máster de Paisaje y Espacio Público de la UGR .Granada.
2015: Reseearch stay: American Academy + Universitá degli Stud Roma tre. Rome.
2015: International Congress “The city and the culture”, Granada. Lectures: “Water and uran scenography. Truth and illusion in international exhibitions” / “Heritage and theatre landscape. Plaza de las Pasiegas in Granada”.
2014: Lecture: “Water and Urban scenography in Universal Exhibitions since 1939. ESA 2014, International congress, “Public spaces and private lives in the contemporary city”, Lisboa.
2014: Article: “Redrawing for seeing. A travel to Carlo Scarpa’s water landscapes”. 15 International Congress Graphical expression. “Drawing and the travel of the architects”. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
2013. Lecture at COAHuelva (Huelva Architects Association): “WaterScales. Three works and one project”.
2013. Conferences at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Escola de Belas Artes and Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo): “Agua: Paisagem e arquitetura” / “Projetar con agua: Carlo Scarpa” /“Paisagens d’agua de Roberto Burle Marx”.
2013. Master in Advanced Architecture Projects (MPAA). School of Architecture of Madrid. Lecture: Living form. Roberto Burle Marx
2013. Permanent meeting on architecture history. School of Architecture of Granada. Granada. Lecture: “Carlo Scarpa. Atemporal master”.
Master in Touristic innovation. Escuela superior de comunicación y empresa (ESCO). Granada. December 2012. Lecture: “Space and emotion”.
2011. Conferences and workshops at Rafael Landivar University. Faculty of Architecture. and Spanish Embassy. Guatemala. Lecture: “Waterscales. Works and projects”.
2011. 48 IFLA World Congress. 2011. Zürich. Scales of landscape. Lecture: “WaterScales: Water Scale of landscape. Damascus and Granada. A cultural continuity”.
2011. Master in Advanced Architecture Projects (MPAA). School of Architecture of Madrid. Lecture: “Pikionis: Hand, matter, time”.
2011. Conferences and guiding workshops at the Faculty of Architecture of Aleppo (Syria): Topic: “Water and Landscape of man”.
2010. School of Architecture. National Technical University of Athens. Lecture:
“Designing with water. Granada, a cultural landscape continuity”.
2010. Master in Advanced Architecture Projects (MPAA). School of Architecture of Madrid. Lecture: “Glasscapes. Water and glass, Landscapes on Scarpa’s architecture”.
2009. 46 International IFLA Congress. Infrastructure: High Performance Landscapes. Río de Janeiro. Brazil. Lecture: “Waterscales: Landscape and energy in Granada”.
2009. Blue in Architecture 09. International symposium. Water, Climate change and Architecture. Venice. Lecture: “Waterscales: Landscape, and energy in Granada”.
2009. Laboratorio di Laurea in Architettura per il Paesaggio. IUAV di Venezia. Facoltà di architettura. Lecture: “Water. Essence of space on Scarpa’s architecture”. – 2009. International Symposium Italy-Spain. Contemporary architecture in Historical places. Granada. Lecture: “Landscape restoration of the “Grottes of Hercules”. Tangier. Morocco.
2008. Paisajes 08. International Congress. Conference Landscape, Water & Sustainability. Saragossa. Lecture: “Landscape restoration of the “Grottes of Hercules”.
2007. International Congress. The matter of architecture. Ciudad Real.Lecture: “Water. Essence of the space on Carlo Scarpa’s architecture”
2018. Article: “There is no peace without water. Use of water as a sustainable and creative tool for creating architecture”. Ed Ugr. Colección Eirene, Granada
2016: Articles: “Water and urban scenography. Truth and illusion in universal exhibitions” / “Heritage and theatre landscape. Plaza de las Pasiegas in Granada”. In: Juan Calatrava, Francisco García Pérez, David Arredondo Garrido (eds.) La Cultura y la Ciudad. Granada: Ed. Universidad de Granada. 2016.
2015: Book: del Corral del Campo, Francisco. Burle Marx. Water landscapes. General de ediciones de arquitectura, Valencia.
2015: Article: “Water and urban scenography in universal exhibitions up to 1929”. In: Arquitectura, Patrimonio y Ciudad . M.A. Chaves (Dir.). Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
2015: Article: “Water and Urban scenography in Universal Exhibitions since 1939”. EDA (Esempi di Architettura). Aracne Editrice, Roma.
2015: Article: “Gaston Bachelard. Water and dreams”. In: El arquitecto y sus libros. J. Calatrava y L.C. Izquierdo, Eds. Ed. Universidad de Granada.
2014: Article: “Water and Urban scenography in Universal Exhibitions until 1929”. EDA (Esempi di Architettura). Aracne Editrice, Roma.
2013. Del Corral del Campo, Francisco. Water. Essence of the space on Carlo Scarpa’s architecture. General de ediciones de arquitectura. Valencia.
2012. AAVV. La arquitectura y el tiempo (Architecture and time). Article: “Damascus and Granada. A cultural continuity”. Ed. Abada. Madrid
2011. AAVV. LiveSpeaking. 10.11. Reflexiones y diálogos en torno a la creatividad y el arte (Thinkings and dialogs about creativity and art). Article: “Re_habitar un paisaje de agua. Bebiendo de la Vega” (Re_inhabitate a water landscape. Drinking from the lowlands). Ed. LoretoSpa Arquitectura. Granada.
2011. A.A.V.V. Blue in architecture 09. Water, Climate Change and Architecture. Focus and debate on a fluid and sustainable future. Universitá IUAV. Venezia.
2007. A.A.V.V. The matter of architecture. Article: “Water. Essence of the space on Carlo Scarpa’s architecture”. International Congress. Almagro. Ciudad Real. October.
2008. Del Corral del Campo, Francisco. Doctoral Thesis: Water. Essence of the space on Carlo Scarpa’s architecture. Ed. University of Granada.
2001. Pasajes de Arquitectura y Crítica (Arch. magazine) nº 26. Article + drawings: Salzburg. Madrid.
Research projects
2012. Member of the Andalucía Team. Solar Decathlon Europe 2012. Universities of Seville, Málaga, Jaén and Granada.